Friday, July 11, 2014

Oh hey, Friday!

Happy Friday! 
We are excited for a relaxing weekend. Isanon and I were talking earlier today trying to plan some type of activity to do with the boys this weekend. But, before we dive into the weekend - here are five random things from our week.  
{One.} We took the boys to watch Transformers in 3-D yesterday. The movie was good...and it was fun to watch the boys get so into it - but for me it dragged on. It was literally a 3 hour movie. About two hours into the movie, I looked at Isanon and asked him if the movie was ever going to end - and it still had an hour left! 

{Two.} Isanon dressed up like a cowboy today - and it was the cutest thing to me. Seriously, I think he could pull it off! We had a big party with the boys and staff today. There were potato sack races, fishing, prizes and tons of, we all had a blast. I can't wait to share the pictures with you later this weekend. 
{Three.} Have you guys noticed the new tab at the top of the page? I added a new tab called "Meet Our Boys" and added pictures of (almost) all of the boys, along with their ages and how long they have been with us. My plan is to keep it updated so that at any time you guys can check up there and see the boys we have here now. Oh, and in case you are wondering which ones are in our house and which are in House #2, we have all the younger all the boys who are 15 and under. 

{Four.}I made a cake for fourth of july. I used food coloring to make the cake blue and red - and cut it into the shape of a star. I missed BBQ-ing and swimming and friends and family and the fireworks, but we were festive with some of our friends here - and had a pretty great night. 
{Five.} My Godson/nephew/babylove turned three this week. Three! I literally can not seem to wrap my head around the fact that he is three years old. He is growing up way too fast. I was super bummed that I couldn't be there for his bday again this year - and wish that he would stop growing up without me! 
Well, there are our five random things from the week. I hope you all have an amazing weekend! 

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