Saturday, July 12, 2014

End of break party {in pictures}.

We had a great day with the boys yesterday. It was officially their last day of "winter" vacation, as the majority of them start classes back up on Monday. There was a ton of food, potato sack races, egg relays, "fishing" for prizes, and lots of smiles. Cowboy hats were worn, and there was even a fake-little fire-pit made. Oh, and of course it was a great opportunity for a ton of pictures.

As you can see by all the pictures (sorry!) - we had an amazing time! There were literally over 100 different prizes given out, ranging from bags of candy, to shirts, to sunglasses, to kites, to pens and pencils. The most popular prizes actually ended up being three big bouncy balls. It was great to see how happy the boys were, and how much fun they had with the little bit of competition. It was truly a great time.  

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