Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Currently. {Vol. 08}

A Mama Collective
Thinking about: How to be grateful with who and where I am. I saw this quote on Pinterest the other day that stopped me in my tracks. Many times, I see a quote - like what it says - pin it, and move on. But there was something about this one that made it stick with me. I found myself reminded of it's simple words throughout the day. "If we don't feel grateful with what we already have...what makes us think we will be happy with more?" There are way too many times that I think, "If I could just be more like this...." or "If this could just happen..." or "If only I had..." - "then I would be happy." But, the truth is that happiness does not come from things or circumstances. True happiness -joy- comes from God, and only from Him. I live a blessed life, and I trust God that He knows what is best for Isanon and I...and sometimes I just need to put that on (virtual) paper. 
Reading: I started reading "and the Shofar Blew" by Francine Rivers again this week. I started reading it a couple months ago and had a hard time getting into it, but I am going to give it another try. I haven't really been reading a whole lot lately, but I am going to try to shut off the internet more and read. 

Listening to: This song. Over and over and over. The muisc, the voice, the words....I just love it all. It speaks my heart's cry perfectly. 

Watching: In regards to Television: 24. We are hooked, my friends. We are well into the second season now, and it just gets better and better. We've even been sneaking an episode in here and there while the boys are at school....hooked, yes we are. I also 'watched' baby Ana on Sunday. Her dad was not feeling well and decided to go to the hospital. I watched Ana for a couple hours so that her mom could go. She was so good, and we had a lot of fun together. I realized really quickly that my house is not baby-proof, as she managed to take every single thing off of our TV shelf in 2 minutes flat. She is a sweet little thing though. 
Goals for this week:
last week
  1. organize my sewing stuff.  - nope, did not get to this. 
  2. start translating devotional book.  yes, I started...but could've done a whole lot more. 
  3. make it a priority to have coffee with Tia Rosa. Twice last week, and today.  
  4. pray for Isanon every night. I missed a couple times, sadly. 
this week

  1. Pray for Isanon every single night. 
  2. Organize my sewing stuff. 
  3. Educate myself more on visa things. 
  4. Cook/Bake something new. 
  5. Decorate or do something different to love our bedroom more. 
Verse of the week: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reminding me of this pin. I have seen it before as well...and also need the reminder. I don't NEED more to be happy.

    Stopping by from the link up. -Becky with Choose Happy
